Python Integration

In eCognition it is possible to write applications using Python. The algorithm 'execute python script' allows the processing of Python files (*.py ) or the insertion of Python scripts directly into the algorithm.

Manage Python Environments

Select Tools > Manage Python Environments to clone existing, add new, edit, or remove Python environments.

Manage Python Environments dialog


The default environment eCognition-env is installed on activation of the check box Python Support during setup (see chapter Prerequisite above), containing the default Python libraries included in eCognition.

Alternatively, you can open the context menu by right-click on an environment to choose among the functionality Clone, Activate, Remove, List Packages and Command prompt.


Input to and output from python

The following input and output is supported:

Debugging python code in eCognition Developer

Using an external debugger for python scripts the following requirements have to be fulfilled:

In this documentation, we provide an example how to attach a debugger using Visual Studio Code (VS Code).

Integrated development environment (IDE) setup

First, you need to install the Python extension in VS Code.

Install Python extension in VS Code

In the launch.json file specify the host and the port:

Any open port can be used here, but then the same number must be used in the script function

Please find the sample content of launch.json below (copy & paste enabled):


    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.

    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.

    // More information:

    "version": "0.2.0",

    "configurations": [


            "name": "Python: Remote Attach",

            "type": "python",

            "request": "attach",

            "connect": {

                "host": "localhost",

                "port": 5678








eCognitions python module supports IntelliSense features. See the example below how to enable it in VS Code.

Enable IntelliSense in VS Code

Enter the correct interpreter path from your eCognition installation. This path should lead to the python.exe file of the current active eCognition python environment.


Now your IntelliSense should work when typing 'ecog.' in VS Code IDE.


Start debugging

To start a debugging session uncomment the function call below (or if you are writing the script from the scratch, add the following line to your python script):

The port number must match the port number used in launch.json file.


Connect to debugger in eCognition

Now you can switch back to VS Code and start a Debugging session (F5).

Start debugging in VS Code


Stop debugging

After you are finished developing and debugging your python code, comment out the following line in the python script:


Execute algorithm 'python script'

Save the script and disconnect (Shift+F5) in VS Code. You can now execute the algorithm 'python script' in eCognition Developer.

To ensure transferability of your rule set it is recommended to use the 'inline script' mode of the algorithm 'python script' for the final rule set.

Script Examples

These script examples can be used in the algorithm 'python script'.

Example 1 - Layer Normalization

This example normalizes all raster layers by dividing each value by 255. For each layer that is passed a new normalized layer is created.

import ecognition as ecog

def image_normalization(input_dict):

layers = input_dict["raster"]

  for name, raster in layers.items():
     new_name = "Normalized " + name
     new_layer_data = raster.read_data() / 255.0
     new_raster = ecog.Raster.create_raster(new_name, new_layer_data)

Example 2 - Variable Sum

The following example sums all process variables that are passed and creates a new variable “var_sum” that will contain the sum.

import ecognition as ecog

def sum_variables(input_dict):
  variables = input_dict["variable"]
  res = 0

  for var in variables.values():
    if not isinstance(var, str):
      res += var

  ecog.set_variable("var_sum", res)

Example 3 - Variable Concatenation

The following example concatenates all variables that are passed and creates a new variable “var_concat_string” that will contain the concatenated string.


import ecognition as ecog

def concat_string(input_dict):
  variables = input_dict["variable"]
  res = ""

  for var in variables.values():
    if isinstance(var, str):
      res += var

  ecog.set_variable("var_concat_string", res)

Example 4 - Double Array Elements

This example doubles the elements in all arrays that are passed.


import ecognition as ecog

def double_arr_values(input_dict):
  arr = input_dict["array"]

  for name, arr in arr.items():
    new_name = "doubled " + name
    new_arr = [2 * val for val in arr]
    ecog.set_array(new_name, new_arr)

Example 5 - Create Raster Layer

The following example creates a new raster layer. The size of the raster layer will be equal to the size of the region “reg_image_size”, while the values will be equal to the value of the variable “var_image_value”.


import ecognition as ecog
import numpy as np

def create_image(input_dict):
  image_val = input_dict["variable"]["var_image_value"]
  region = input_dict["region"]["reg_image_size"]

  sz_x = int(region[1][0])
  sz_y = int(region[1][1])

  img = np.full((sz_y, sz_x), image_val, dtype=np.float32)
  raster = ecog.Raster.create_raster("python_image", np.dtype(np.float32))

Example 6 - Create Point Vector Layer

This example creates a new vector layer called “point_vector_layer”. The layer will contain 3 points, each with a single vector attribute “point_id”.


import ecognition as ecog
import pandas as pd
from shapely.geometry import Point

def create_vector(input_dict):
  vector_data = pd.DataFrame(data={
    "point_id": [0, 1, 2],
    "geometry": [Point(17.2, 13), Point(18, 20.5), Point(15.5, 17)],

  ecog.Vector.create_vector("point_vector_layer", "Point", vector_data)

Example 7 - Split Point Cloud Layer

This script creates two new point cloud layers from one point cloud layer “Layer 1”. The new point cloud layers are called “class_0” and “class_5”. The layer “class_0” will contain only the points that have a classification equal to 0, while the layer “class_5” will have points that have a classification equal to 5.


import ecognition as ecog
import numpy as np

def split_pc(input_dict):
  pc = input_dict["point_cloud"]["Layer 1"]

  cls_0 = ecog.PointCloud.create_point_cloud("class_0")
  cls_5 = ecog.PointCloud.create_point_cloud("class_5")

  for chunk in pc.get_chunk_iterator(points_in_chunk=10000):
    cls_0_indices = np.where(chunk.classification == 0)[0]
    cls_5_indices = np.where(chunk.classification == 5)[0]

      np.full(len(cls_0_indices), 0, dtype=np.uint8),

      np.full(len(cls_5_indices), 5, dtype=np.uint8),



For more information see also:

Installation Guide > Windows > Python Installation - installation and setup

Reference Book > Algorithms and Processes > Miscellaneous > Python Script - description algorithm and its parameters

Reference Book > Algorithms and Processes > Miscellaneous > Python API Reference - reference for each class, properties, and methods